NAPLAN standardised tests
We cover numeracy reading, writing and language conventions including spelling, grammar and punctuation.
NAPLAN stands for National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy. Australian students take these tests in years 3,5,7 and 9.
Are you concerned about your child’s NAPLAN performance?
At Study Space we understand the power and importance of NAPLAN tests. Our individualised tuition lesson plans are designed to identify and address literacy and numeracy gaps so that children and their parents feel more confident.
Why are NAPLAN results important?
At Study Space we understand the power and importance of NAPLAN tests. Our individualised tuition lesson plans are designed to identify and address literacy and numeracy gaps so that children and their parents feel more confident.
How can NAPLAN results help parents?
As well as helping your child get into the school of their choice, the NAPLAN test can give you a good overview of your child’s academic performance and their strengths and weaknesses. If there are weaknesses we recommend supplementing your child’s learning at school with a targeted NAPLAN tutoring program at Study Space to build knowledge, skills and confidence.
If you’re seeing a result in the bottom two bands, your child needs help urgently. They are only just or not even achieving the minimum standard. Even on a bad day, an average student will be well above these bands. Speak to your school and talk to us about a targeted tuition programme to address the problems. The other thing to note is how your child’s result compares with the national average, as shown by the triangle. A result below this triangle indicates the need for targeted support.
HSC English
HSC Maths